
Legal information


This website is published by In-memory SAS, a simplified joint stock company registered with the Paris Commercial Court under number 909557373 RCS with registered office at 25 rue de Verneuil 75007 Paris.

The share capital is 20,000 Euros.
Intracommunity TVA FR909557373
Publishing Director: Christophe MARLOT


The website and In-memory services are hosted :

on data servers in FRANCE belonging to :

2 rue Kellermann

Personal data

In the course of its messaging activities, In-memory SAS is required to process personal data. We attach the utmost importance to the security and confidentiality of the data of users of In-memory SAS services, whether on the website or the In-memory SAS mobile application.

In-memory SAS does not sell the data collected from its customers. Our business is the provision of a secure messaging service to our users, not the resale of our users’ data.

In accordance with regulations and the General Data Protection Regulation, we undertake to collect and process only the data that is strictly necessary with regard to the purpose of the In-memory SAS application. We undertake to keep the data collected in a form that allows your identification for no longer than is necessary for the purposes of the In-memory SAS application for which the data is collected and processed.


We undertake not to divulge this personal data to other persons not authorized to have access to it, whether private or public, natural or legal persons.


The sole purpose of collecting and processing data is to provide the In-memory SAS application service. The User has a right of access, rectification and opposition on legitimate grounds to In-memory SAS.

For any questions concerning security and personal data, or to enable you to exercise your rights of access, rectification, deletion, withdrawal of consent, limitation of processing, opposition to processing or portability, and the right to define directives concerning the fate of your data after your death you can contact us and our Data Protection Officer (DPO) at

If you have any complaints about your personal data, you can either contact our DPO or, as a last resort, contact the Commission Nationale Informatique et Liberté (CNIL) at


Read our privacy and cookie management policy here.