
Because that's life


 An easy messaging system for passing along your memories, feelings, important information and documents.
Application home page
My application life page
The first free, simple and secure application for the memories and feelings in life.
💚 Automatically notify people of your demise, even in the case of a sudden and unexpected death.

💚 Automatically transmit messages and information to the people and in the timing that you choose after your death.

💚 Inform people of your passing and indicate your end-of-life wishes.

💚 Automatically notify and confirm my advance directives before I die, if necessary.

What kinds of messages can I send?
Anything you want! This can include messages to :
💚 Say I love you
💚 Say thank you
💚 Apologize
💚 Help

Messages can also sher :
💚 a laugh
💚 a look, a voice
💚 a secret
💚 a thought
💚 a reflection
💚 a clue
💚 a passion
My application life page

In-memory on your mobile

Write it down now so you can say it when you're gone...
Home page mockup